Friday, July 27, 2012
Final Draft!!
Here's the link to my final draft of my research paper! My google docs was messing up when I was trying to work on it a few days so it was just easier for me to work offline in Microsoft Word. Anywho, enjoy!
Here's the link to my final draft of my research paper! My google docs was messing up when I was trying to work on it a few days so it was just easier for me to work offline in Microsoft Word. Anywho, enjoy!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
I wrote this on . . . however, in the off chance it didn't post correctly . . . here's my work.
said that business owners didn't become successful on their own. In his
speech, he made it seem like they did nothing to account for their
successes. Thus, the new intertnet "meme" says he basically built it for
them and that they are not at all responsible for their own
success--i.e. the government did everything. Therefore,
in the picture of the child building her own legos, President Obama is
saying that the child didn't build it and inferring the government did.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Come on, get real . . .
My reality is whatever I am engulfed in at the moment. It's the people I see, the places I go, and how it all affects me. It's my own slice of heaven, if you will. When I was a little girl, my reality, probably described now as distorted, was that the world was full of good people like in the Disney movies. I thought that everyone got married and they were a nobody unless they had kids (and kids that were around my age of course). I remember thinking that every day was a day for playing, watching Barney, and having snuggle time with my mom in the early afternoon. As I grew older, my reality, like my body, changed.As a young girl I lived through my imagination. I would make up imagination friends as well as whole scenarios for my Barbies, Polly Pockets, and cabbage patch kids. I used to hang out a good bit with friends as well, however, as I was the only one home when my sisters went to school during the day, I thoroughly enjoyed just exploring my house. I thought my house was this vast mansion that had to be discovered (kind of like the Indiana Jones movie . . . ). When it was finally time for me to go to school, I told my mom to "get over it and invite a friend over because I have to see what this school thing is all about." Little did I know, my reality changed yet again.
As a school girl, every day was filled with lots of other kids. I learned that there was a whole world outside of my house. I discovered reading, writing, but, my favorite, math. I would try to count everything. I became obsessed with numbers and never could read enough. My mom would literally have to pry the books from my hands at night. My mind was so inquisitive and just wanted to learn more.
Throughout the rest of my childhood and preteen years, my reality changed again, but some things remained constant. I remained engulfed in my family, in the catholic church, and my schoolwork. Those three things alone were the most important to me. I would focus on it every day.
Now, my reality as a college student, is trying to keep scholarships and work every day towards my dream of becoming a pediatrician. I try to surround myself with good people and fill my time with things that will make me succeed in life (good friends, reading, doing research, etc). Every day, I wake up, look at my English homework online, eat some cereal, and attempt to do it accurately. Then, I'll usually watch whatever show I'm addicted to on Netflix (right now it's How I met your Mother). Next, I'll usually run some errands, go to lunch, read the news, and finally work out. Oh, and sometime during the day I call my mother before going to work at 5pm. Yup, that's who I am right now. I live in the moment, do spontaneous things. For instance, last night I just randomly decided to go on an adventure exploring Clemson at midnight with two girlfriends of mine. Right now, being 19, I feel like I should do everything possible to experience everything I can; when my friends ask me to go on a hike, I almost always say yes; I jumped off a 20 foot rock a few weeks ago into the water just because I could; I flew an airplane; I went to my first blacklight party. I feel like in this time of my life, it's important to find out who I am and plan for the future. So, I guess my reality is living for the now and experiencing everything college has to offer me.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Barack Obama Campaign for 2012
As President Barack Obama is trying to get re-elected for a second term in office, he is hitting the campaign ads hard these days. Bill Clinton, praised as the "last successful" president by democrats, says that Obama made the "harder" choice. The clip is skillfully organized where it makes a story out of Obama's term in office and shows him as a strong leader willing to make the hard, right decisions. Although I do not agree with the message of the video as it infuriates me that it seems Obama is taking all of the credit for the many men and women in the military, it was still skillfully done. The clip does a good job of showing how others in Washington, especially Obama's competitor, did not see how this was worth all the money to kill one person. Obama, however, being a person who wants to do the right things, did what he thought was necessary to do--kill Bin Laden. The storyboard is very powerful and uses another successful president to show how successful our current one is despite Clinton's known extra activities.
The organization is a story. It shows how Obama was given a hard decision, he dealt with criticism, and he made the "tough" choice. It's kind of one of those movies you see as a kid where the good guy wins in the end.
Barack Obama Campaign for 2012
As President Barack Obama is trying to get re-elected for a second term in office, he is hitting the campaign ads hard these days. Bill Clinton, praised as the "last successful" president by democrats, says that Obama made the "harder" choice. The clip is skillfully organized where it makes a story out of Obama's term in office and shows him as a strong leader willing to make the hard, right decisions. Although I do not agree with the message of the video as it infuriates me that it seems Obama is taking all of the credit for the many men and women in the military, it was still skillfully done. The clip does a good job of showing how others in Washington, especially Obama's competitor, did not see how this was worth all the money to kill one person. Obama, however, being a person who wants to do the right things, did what he thought was necessary to do--kill Bin Laden. The storyboard is very powerful and uses another successful president to show how successful our current one is despite Clinton's known extra activities.
The organization is a story. It shows how Obama was given a hard decision, he dealt with criticism, and he made the "tough" choice. It's kind of one of those movies you see as a kid where the good guy wins in the end.
Topics to cover
* I want to start out with making some quotes and just get the readers attention. Then, I want to progress throughout the timeline of a female's life. I want to talk about how body image starts from an early age, who and what affects that image, then how it changes as we grow up. I want to incorporate how the beauty industry, peers, role models, and those who are in authority (i.e. teachers, parents, principals) make a huge impact on this.
I. Introduction
i. Start out with some quotes "Oh does my butt look fat in this?", "Can I lose weight on this program . . . ", etc.
II. Talk about how body image forms and starts from an early age---incorporate negativity throughout this (i.e. how girls in the Western world, especially America tend to struggle with being satisfied with their bodies)
a. The woman around you during childhood is what really helps to shape it--i.e. role models.
b. what girls wear in school could have an effect on it---perhaps talk about dress codes and how
they are good and bad.
c. Should we try to keep girls sheltered from the media as long as we can so they can be kids? (My
mom did and it made me not get into make up and care about how I look until later on.)
iii. Progression into PRETEEN YEARS
a. Start using make-up---not good enough to just "wear" your own face everyday.
1. With the start of make up, girls start to look at ads, read magazines like Cosmogirl, and pay
attention to their clothing.
2. Typically, this is the first time in their life they look at the mirror and think, "wow, I don't
look good enough."
3. Never enough to just put a little bit of make up on--have to look like a movie star
4. First thing a female does in the morning is look in the mirror to see how she looks and if she
needs to lose weight.
b. Puberty
1. Starting to become attracted to either the opposite or same sex---the onset of puberty plays a
huge role in why females start caring about the way they look---they just want to impress
that boy, or look better than this one girl . . .
2. Having sexual feelings for someone causes females to try to appear "sexy" and "hot" from
an early age.
i. This is further emphasized by the media and how there's a constant obsession with sex.
a. Competition with other girls
1. always wanting to be the best looking. Not enough to be beautiful--have to be the most
beautiful in America like a movie star.
b. Obsession with weight
1. Told that you're only worth looking at if you have a certain physique
2. This is the most thought about as a teen--am I skinny enough?
c. Media
1. Females watching shows like MTV where girls wear very little and are provocative
2. Ads
3. Movies
4. Movie stars and what they're wearing
d. Affect of college girls
1. Females tend to look at girls just a few years older than them rather than their mothers for
how to look.
e. Psychological effects of body image
1. depression can set in with dissatisfaction of body image
2. obsession of how you look
f. Eating disorders develop
g. Obsession with working out
v. Early 20s
a. This is the last time you're going to have this great body this easily. Supposed to be the best
time of your life.
b. Alcohol and how it affects the body as well as body image
c. Looking good in the job
d. Wanting to have a good "look" to attract a mate for life.
e. College years---sluttier than work force years
vi. Adulthood
a. How you look in the mirror every day
b. Always on a diet--more than half the women in the US are said to be on a diet every day.
c. How their actions affect those younger than them.
VII. Conclusion
a. Recap on body image developing from an early age
b. psychological affects of a bad body image
Some interesting things to fit in:
- Zooey Deschanel's post about thinspiration and how she'll never buy into it
- Link :
- Dove ads
- the campaign for real beauty link:
- Body Rock giving women a good image on a healthy body.
- Link:
- How insurance companies emphasize BMI in certain states
- affect of diet in America
- Stars like Kate Beckinsale, Kierra Knighly, Angelina Jolie and how they are way too thin--what message it sends to young girls.
- Obsession with Body image articles
- Social Issues Research Center:
- Affect of thin models:
Professor Butts, I understand I could talk about the progression of a female's life. However, is this interesting enough? I just don't want my audience to be like "oh I've heard this before" and not interested at all . . .
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012: Day 14
Rhetorical Pictures
I recently visited Wofford College's campus in Spartanburg, South Carolina where the mascot of the school is the Wofford terrier dog shown above. The dog holds tradition in place for the small liberal arts college. The way it's presented on the statue here shows the dog looking high off into the distance as if it is superior to any other. This is kind of ironic when the dog itself is such a small animal compared to say . . . uh . . . a Clemson tiger. It's ears are propped up which isn't their normal position; this tells us the Wofford terrier dog is aware, keen, and on the look out. The school itself says the dog is on the lookout for bright futures. The sculpture really captivates the Wofford tradition--strength, dignity, powerful young leaders. It shows that the Wofford student is a strong individual and not one to reckon with. The dog's flappy mouth and wrinkles makes it appear much older than it really is; perhaps it is to show wisdom or that a Wofford student is an experienced worker. The students of Wofford college are proud to wear shirts with pictures of this statue which shows unity through this dog.
My sister recently graduated from Wofford College in May 2012 where she herself had a strong, emotional connection to the Wofford dog. She told me how this statue was the single most important one on campus. The president of the college owned a terrier when the football team started; it became a tradition for every president of Wofford College to own a terrier dog to bring out to the football games. The dog represents the strength of its students. Its determined face is supposed to show how Wofford will stop at nothing short of their very best work. It holds tradition in place as it used to be a conservative males only school yet is still open to what the future brings. Wofford tradition also holds students to be accountable for their own actions--with a strong dog with a stance like this it'd be safe to say that the dog not only holds a sentimental value for each student but reminds them to be ethically sound as well.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Women's Body Issues Interview Ideas
Daily assignment: Think of at least two questions to ask during an interview on your research topic.My approach: Since I'm dealing with women's body issues I thought it might be beneficial to ask both men and women questions on what makes a women beautiful and/or attractive. I think body issues really start all with how we look at ourselves. By comparing and contrasting how we see ourselves to how we see others really can help us understand how critical we are of our own bodies.
Questions to ask Women and Men when I interview them . . .
Both sexes: The idea is to come up with some type of questionnaire for both men and women to answer to easily compare data . . . the questionnaire would begin with a group of pictures as shown in question 1 . . .
1) Rate on a scale of 1-10 how attractive these women are with 1 being not attractive at all, 5 being average and 10 being amazingly attractive. (I of course need to find more images . . . this is just a start . . . I want to show a large number of pictures of women of different shapes and sizes wearing different amounts of clothing . . .)

Questions to ask Women:
1) What's the first thing you notice when you look at yourself in the mirror?
2) Do you feel more attractive when you wear less or more clothing?
For men . . .
1) Do you find women more attractive if they are . . . curvy or skinny?
2) What is the most attractive quality for a woman to have?
3) Would you rather a woman who embraces her body or who is constantly trying to improve it?
What Sucks and What Doesn't Suck
The Bad:
I don't know about you but I think this web design for sucks! Why??1) Use of space
a) The buttons on the side are hard to read because it's insanely small compared to the whole
page, plus since there's more space than buttons you could make the buttons fatter and longer!
b) The open blue space is SO AWKWARD between the buttons and the actual material on the
page that says "Welcome."
2) The colors
a) The buttons: Brown could be a good use of color but against the bright neon-y blue it just
doesn't work; the page needs colors that contrast very well together
b) The neon blue shouldn't be the color used---I mean if you want to give your audience a
headache after awhile it's perfect but if you want an audience to actually read your page you
should pick a more neutral color that's easier to look at!
c) The writing itself: the way the Welcome page lettering doesn't contrast well--The darker
neon-y blue just makes it hard to read "Welcome" against the lighter neon-y blue. The
evergreen is a little bit better with the whole contrast thing but still it just doesn't match the
theme colors. The page needs to look neat and well thought out and together and this just
looks like everything was just slapped together.
3) NO theme: A good web page is well thought out and goes together. Everything is there for a
purpose, the space is used to its best ability and pictures are in HD quality not some bad
pixelated one.
The Good:
This is the web page from Sensual Chocolate is made perfectly! Why??
1) Themed: Everything goes together in the page. The use of the chocolate brown color makes a wonderful template for the whole page and makes the chocolate itself pop out a lot; the chocolate is a darker brown than the lighter brown used for writing. Also all the writing isn't in the same color, text font or size so it makes things interesting.
2) Use of space: The boxes all fit together marvelously. I like how it fits like a lock and key. Very good for the eyes.
3) The biggest pictures are of the chocolates themselves which really emphasizes their product.
4) The border. I just love it. It goes with the brown color palate theme and it makes a great place to put the navigation where it's noticeable but isn't so overpowering that you don't read what's on the page.
This page is awesome because it gets you to read and know everything they want you to know in a quick amount of time which is . . . 1) They sell chocolates 2) Here's all the chocolates they make . . . 3) Their product is awesome because it's "made in hand"
Friday, July 13, 2012
The front cover makes the divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes seem dramatic as it overtakes the smaller story in the top left corner. Furthermore, the small image to the bottom right makes it look like Suri is some innocent child caught between this nasty fight between her parents. The picture of Katie and Tom together makes Tom look like a happy guy while Katie appears to be bearing a fake smile and behind him; her position behind him is not very surprising as she has been "isolated in her life as the wife of a megastar in recent years" making her now seem "glum and downcast" (Tauber 59). In the story itself, the length of the story makes it appear to be a shocking news as Tom "had no idea" and he was "blindsided" (Tauber 58). The cover story talks about how Katie's parents never really approved of Tom and wanted "the old Katie back" (Tauber 59). However, Tom, who had been filming in Iceland and waiting for Katie and Suri's visit, thought everything was fine and even said he was blessed "to be able to live [his] dream and have the family that [he] has" (Tauber 59). Tauber further says that their marriage ended suddenly just like it began. The couple had been together for seven years and got engaged within two months of beginning their relationship. Tom's marriage to Katie is ending a lot like it did with his marriage to Nicole Kidman--over raising their children through Scientology. Katie never really accepted Scientology as she had been raised Catholic. This is what leads her to file for sole custody of their daughter Suri. Perhaps, Katie and Tom should have talked about these things before they got married and ended up in another celebrity divorce scandal.
MLA Citation:
Tauber, Michelle. "Why She Split with Tom--Katie's Shocking Choice." People [New York City,
New York] 16 July 2012: 56-66. Print.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Topic: I'm writing about Women's body issues in Today's World
Two sources that I found:
Maine, Margo, and Joe Kelly. The Body Myth: Adult Women and the Pressure to Be
Perfect. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2005. Print.
Nasser, Mervat, Karen Baistow, and Janet Treasure. The Female Body in Mind: The
Interface between the Female Body and Mental Health. Hove, East Sussex:
Routledge, 2007. Print.
Routledge, 2007. Print.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Women's Body Issues in Today's World
"Does this make me look fat?"
"Do you have any spanx?"
Today, women are under constant pressure to look just like that thin, beautiful, and happy girl on a magazine cover. The media makes us believe that beautiful and skinny are the same thing. Furthermore, they force us to constantly see images that make us feel inadequate. So many articles today, even on national news networks, focus on health and ways to lose weight extremely fast. It's not healthy. In fact, this is quite dangerous. The media is telling girls it's okay to be underweight, starve themselves, and in order to be "happy and awesome" they must be this way.As a teenager, I saw many girls with eating disorders as a result of feeling inadequate. Women who are your mother, sister, even your best friend throw up after every meal in fear of gaining any weight at all. It doesn't stop at just that either. When they wake up in the mornings, the first thing they do is look at themselves in the mirror to decide how hard they'll have to diet and work out that day. From the moment women wake up until they go to bed, they are constantly judging their bodies. They want that perfect "Hollywood" look. They want the glamour and for everyone to notice them.
Today, Facebook puts women even at more attention of their appearances. It's popular to post pictures daily of themselves. Many young girls feel what their worth is as good as the last picture they were tagged in. They crop out parts of themselves that look "fat", edit the pictures to look tan, and modify the picture to look skinnier. Facebook allows the world to see women in such a short amount of time. It's so easy to just flip through a girl's Facebook profile pictures album to decide whether or not she is worth looking at and deemed beautiful.
Unfortunately these issues start at a young age and progress well into adulthood. As the women of today become adults and welcome in new generations, they teach their daughters that judging your appearance every single day is how to live. Mothers disown their daughters, in some extreme circumstances, if they don't look up to par.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
To Suck or Not to Suck . . . that is the question
Slide 2: It doesn't suck.
Why? I believe Republicans hold traditions close to their heart, are mostly middle class citizens, and do a good job to keep the American dream alive. Many more people who are conservative are Republican. I hold traditions, values, and morals in high regard; I feel like the Republican party does its best to maintain all these in high regard.
Slide 3: It sucks.
Why? Although it's great that President Obama killed Osama bin Laden and is the first black president we've ever had, I do not think he has made as much progress with many pressing issues--healthcare, our national debt, etc.
Slide 4: It doesn't suck!
Why? Harry Potter is a great novel; it was one of the first times I didn't struggle reading through a book. I feel like I've grown up with the series and it holds a special place in my heart. I mean seriously, when there's a new movie released, they had costume contests in the theaters! Such a cool novel that brings so much youth together!
Slide 5: It doesn't suck!
Why? I own a macbook pro, an iPhone, and a iPod touch! I absolutely adore all three of these items. I was first skeptical of getting an iPhone because it's completely touchscreen, however, the saying it right--once you get an iPhone you never go back! Although Mac does suck when you get into engineering and especially when you want to program things you're own due to all their patents, Mac knows what's going on with all the latest technology. I mean what other company can get families to purchase a useless iPad for $600 as something fun to play with?
Slide 6: It doesn't suck!
Why? I'm the biggest star wars fan! I love anything sci-fi. I love how the movies spanned throughout not only my parents but my childhood as well.
Slide 7: It doesn't suck!
Why? Facebook is how I keep in touch with all my friends and family! I'm addicted. I check it more than my email. I love how you can keep up with someone else's life through it. Also, it keeps you informed on what is going on in the world around you.
Slide 8: It doesn't suck!
Why? Who doesn't love a big Mac? It just makes you happy to say the words big mac! I mean yeah I don't like how it makes me gain weight, but their food is delicious!
Slide 9: It doesn't suck!
Why? I love Clemson! Everyone is just so nice here, especially my English 103 professor--he's the bomb! How can't you love Clemson when you're always surrounded by the happy colors of purple and orange?
Slide 10: It sucks!
Why? Lady Gaga is a great singer, but her music is so old now! She's definitely not the new Madonna. Her music needs some more spice and awesomeness to it.
Slide 11: It doesn't suck!
Why? Biebz is great. He has awesome hair. Plus, he made a song for his mom for mother's day. He's awesome and everyone else can get over it because his music is very catchy!
Slide 12: It doesn't suck!
Why? I'm addicted to Soduku! It's a great game and proven through scientific research to keep your brain more alert and therefore help you be a more aware driver!
Slide 13: It sucks!
Why? Avatar is a cool movie but it's just hyped up way too much. When I was on a cruise, they played it all day, every day and I just got tired of it! I just need a break from this movie!
Slide 14: It sucks!
Why? Xbox destroys so many relationships. Boyfriends would rather be playing some shooting game where they blast off people's heads and overtake made up cities. It should just be destroyed indefinitely.
Slide 15: It sucks!
Why? I used to love American Idol, but they've kept it going on for way too long. We need a new awesome show. Also, I can't sing so there's no use of it to make me famous (unless I'm on one of their shows of those awful embarrassing singers)!
Slide 16: It doesn't suck!
Why? I love Glee! I think it just makes you happy to watch. It makes me think I could actually sing and that high school was actually fun. Glee does a great way to incorporate many issues dealt with young people in all races, situations, and abilities.
Slide 17: It sucks!
Why? I hate smoking. It does nothing but mess up your lungs. People who smoke are just being disrespectful to their families--they're doing something that's known to harm them and don't care.
Slide 18: It doesn't suck!
Why? Guns, when used in the right way, can be a good way to protect yourself. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Slide 19: It doesn't suck!
Why? I believe, despite being conservative, that women should have a right to control what goes on in their body. I feel, in my heart, that it's more selfish to bring a child into this world you cannot support than to get an abortion before it actually forms. Also, if I were to ever get raped and become pregnant, I would get an abortion; I know it's not the child's fault, but I don't think I could go through nine months of something reminding me of getting raped. I know this topic is extremely touchy for many people and there are religious views that come into it. For me, it's simple. Yes, I'm a catholic. However, abortion is defined in many ways and in the right circumstances I believe it is appropriate.
Slide 20: It sucks!
Why? Dogs aren't humans! We should just let dogs be free and not try to dress them up like our own kids! If you want a kid of your own to dress, you should become introduced to sex, which, last time I checked is fun. Keep dogs as dogs for goodness sake! Dogs should be able to run around freely!
Well, look at that, I'm a woman engineer and have an opinion! I think that's about it for today! Now onto that paper . . .
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Writing Is Easy . . . yeah, when you're not being graded on it!
Well, of course writing is easy when you're in California! I mean come on, California is the best place to live (besides South Carolina of course). Writing is very hard when you know you're going to be graded on it. It's not like you can just let everything flow from your brain onto paper and just turn that in. No, you have to read it and reread it and then when you're tired of what you've written--you reread it again! Papers make writing extremely difficult because you never quite know if your presentation of the topic you're writing on has been done adequately. For example, when trying to persuade my audience to see an image the way I see it, I have to be aware that others may interpret the image differently and their arguments might be represented better than mine. However, I do what I can. I write just before I go to bed at night when I think. Also, I write when I get up in the morning. I tend to like to be cut off from the world. I'll turn off my cell phone, take facebook down on my computer, and just think about life. I think and for the moments I'm writing, I get lost in myself. It's quite relaxing actually.
Also, it is vital for me to have an endless supply of diet coke to drink. It's like brain power for me. I'm not even joking. I'm much happier with some caffeine in me. Also, it helps so much when I get to write on things that actually interest me and I feel like it's something important in the world. I hate when there are useless assignments that I just dread. Also, whenever I get an assignment I just get so overwhelmed with how I'm going to start writing; it's really hard to pick what to write, how to write it, and choose a list of things to write about.
Well, that's it for today! Hope you enjoyed!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Making some open observations
The candy itself . . . (I might have tasted it a bit . . .)
- chewy
- sour
- rough texture (once you start chewing)
- each color has a a taste of the fruit it resembles
- orange--tastes like an orange
- green--tastes like a lime
- pink---strawberry
- red--cherry
- yellow--lemon
- smooth texture before you bite
- sticky (to your teeth)
- green and yellow-sour
- pink and red -sweet
- orange--citrus tasting
- delicious
- decadent
- sweet
- sour (more sweet than sour)
- sugary . . . can tell it has artificial flavoring
- makes you thirsty
- pill-shaped
- feels smooth on the outside
- oval-shaped
- colorful (must have food coloring)
- squeezable (easy smushed)
- soft with tougher outer cell
- easily roll into hand
- colorful
- bright
- easy to read
- Big font
- green
- suggests your eating real fruit
- advertises with fruit so you feel better about eating it
- fruitful
- fun box--makes you happy to look at it
- fonts are in fun sizes and makes the word fruit look cool
- emphasizes the word fruit and not candy
- deceivingly advertised as nutritious when it's candy
- only one comma on the whole box under satisfaction gaurunteed
Introductory comma in the "If you are not satisfied with the quality of this product, please save the unused portion and package." Before the comma is the introductory, then the subject is an implied you and save is your verb.
From taking on many leadership positions throughout my academic career, I have had to attend many ethics seminars. In these seminars, we were taught what is considered acceptable in academics. Furthermore, we watched videos on plagiarism where it showed taking the work of someone else is stealing. It's not the type of stealing where you run off with an old lady's purse, but it's the stealing of intellectual property. This intellectual property needs to be resepected as an individual's work. If I said that I was the person who figured out E=MC^2, everyone would know I was lying. However, sometimes stealing isn't so obvious and that's where your moral compass comes in.Although the university has advisable rules, I believe in doing the right thing. Rules are made so that it leads individuals into doing the right thing. This past year, I worked very hard coding a robot where we interfaced Matlab and Lego technology. It took me at least 80 hours of pure brain power to make the robot move like I wanted it to. In the end, my partner wanted to copy "my code" because it was just computer stuff and no one would have to know. This infuriated me. I spent so much time perfecting the robot, making sure it didn't glitch and that it moved smoothly. Then, this guy, who didn't put in any work at all, decides that he wants to put his name on my work. I said no. Although it was a team project, he never showed up to help. For this reason, the code was my work and not his. If he put his name on this assignment, he'd be stealing my work.
I see this English class very much like I did my Engineering 141 class. Although I struggle with English and know it's not my "strong suit", I will do my very best to give my best effort. I couldn't forgive myself if I stole what someone else wrote. Not only would I fail this class, which I need for scholarships, I would disappoint my family, and ultimately myself. I feel a sense of accomplishment in doing my own work. So, I, Mary O'Kelly, promise you, Professor Butts, that I won't plagiarize. However, I can't promise you that I'll you'll receive minimal amounts of emails. I'll probably email you to clarify just about everything, which I'd rather do than plagiarize!
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