Thursday, July 5, 2012

Writing Is Easy . . . yeah, when you're not being graded on it!

    Well, of course writing is easy when you're in California! I mean come on, California is the best place to live (besides South Carolina of course). Writing is very hard when you know you're going to be graded on it. It's not like you can just let everything flow from your brain onto paper and just turn that in. No, you have to read it and reread it and then when you're tired of what you've written--you reread it again! Papers make writing extremely difficult because you never quite know if your presentation of the topic you're writing on has been done adequately. For example, when trying to persuade my audience to see an image the way I see it, I have to be aware that others may interpret the image differently and their arguments might be represented better than mine. However, I do what I can.  I write just before I go to bed at night when I think. Also, I write when I get up in the morning. I tend to like to be cut off from the world. I'll turn off my cell phone, take facebook down on my computer, and just think about life. I think and for the moments I'm writing, I get lost in myself. It's quite relaxing actually.

  Also, it is vital for me to have an endless supply of diet coke to drink. It's like brain power for me. I'm not even joking. I'm much happier with some caffeine in me. Also, it helps so much when I get to write on things that actually interest me and I feel like it's something important in the world. I hate when there are useless assignments that I just dread. Also, whenever I get an assignment I just get so overwhelmed with how I'm going to start writing; it's really hard to pick what to write, how to write it, and choose a list of things to write about.

  Well, that's it for today! Hope you enjoyed!

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