Women's Body Issues Interview Ideas
Daily assignment: Think of at least two questions to ask during an interview on your research topic.My approach: Since I'm dealing with women's body issues I thought it might be beneficial to ask both men and women questions on what makes a women beautiful and/or attractive. I think body issues really start all with how we look at ourselves. By comparing and contrasting how we see ourselves to how we see others really can help us understand how critical we are of our own bodies.
Questions to ask Women and Men when I interview them . . .
Both sexes: The idea is to come up with some type of questionnaire for both men and women to answer to easily compare data . . . the questionnaire would begin with a group of pictures as shown in question 1 . . .
1) Rate on a scale of 1-10 how attractive these women are with 1 being not attractive at all, 5 being average and 10 being amazingly attractive. (I of course need to find more images . . . this is just a start . . . I want to show a large number of pictures of women of different shapes and sizes wearing different amounts of clothing . . .)

Questions to ask Women:
1) What's the first thing you notice when you look at yourself in the mirror?
2) Do you feel more attractive when you wear less or more clothing?
For men . . .
1) Do you find women more attractive if they are . . . curvy or skinny?
2) What is the most attractive quality for a woman to have?
3) Would you rather a woman who embraces her body or who is constantly trying to improve it?
Hmm... I like where you're headed, but in some ways you're rehashing old stereotypes. How can you ask interesting questions that move beyond things like skinny=presumed attractiveness? Or less clothes=presumed attractiveness?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your help! I definitely agree that it's kind of a been there, heard that . . . I feel like my writing should be more fresh and have more "spice" to it. Do you think it'd be better to focus on weight and beauty industry ads?